Friday 16 October 2015

The most cheerful thing to come out of Synod 2015 so far...

...possibly the only uplifting thing at all is this marvellous take of Gillbert & Sullivan's classic with an eye turned towards Teutonic heresy: I am the very model of a modern German Cardinal. We've been singing along  in chorus while I've been making dinner this evening.

"I know the Church’s history, from Schillebeeckx to G D Boff
I like to wear bad vestments and I’m apt to take my cassock off
I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of the traditionalists
I make outrageous statements and proceed to slander journalists
I’m very prone to avarice, and harbouring of catamites
And mawkish modern liturgies with troupes of female acolytes..."

It's worth listening to the whole thing ... full lyrics here.

Wouldn't it be spendid if somebody made an English version? Just saying.

Prayer for the family: Synod 2015

A friend, currently in Rome, asked me to share this prayer. Please pray: pray, pray, pray like you've never prayed before. The stakes are high and the smoke of Satan lingers ....

But above all remember Our Lord's promise: the gates of Hell will not prevail.